Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Not much out of the ordinary has happened since Ragbrai. Although a new route for the 2010 Ragbrai has been announced. It will be shorter and flatter than last year. Thanksgiving has come and gone as with Christmas. many things have changed and many things have pretty much stayed the same. Experienced a good motorcycle ride shortly after my return from Iowa. Uneventful as far as accidents or breakdowns were concerned. But nice overall. Judy and I are now planning on vacationing to Yuma AZ during March to experience a small taste of the "snowbird" life to see if we actually would enjoy doing something like that after we retire. It seems intriguing. But I know that I am not ready yet to just hang around playing horse shoes and watching the grass grow. But who knows maybe in a few years or so. I will try to post pictures and keep this thing more updated take care and god bless